Collection: Educator Remote Training Collars

E-collar technologies is getting good response from dog trainers around the world because of the great features these collars offered.

Educator dog collars uses patented 'Blunt' correction instead of the 'sharp pulse'. 
The 'Blunt' stimulation is medically grade and proven to be safe because it provides just minimum stress for dogs but still give enough rewards for your dog to obey with your commands.

The strongest correction level can control and given to the most stubborn dogs but still very safe to them.

Another awesome feature of Educator collar is that when the correction button is pressed, the Pavlovian stimulation will activate and the dog will hear a 1.5 second beep first before getting the "blunt" static correction. That will train the dog over time that, the dog will respond just by hearing the tone and no longer need for the static correction.